I send CIP blocks electronically. You may change the formatting to make it centered, change font, change size of print, etc., but you MAY NOT change the content or change the grammar of the block.

Permission granted to share the following CIP data by Rare Bird Books:

Example 1:
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data

Names: Abrams, Michael P., author | Kennedy, Julia Taylor, author.
Title: Mission critical : unlocking the value of veterans in the workforce / Michael Abrams and Julia Taylor Kennedy.
Description: First trade paperback original edition. | A Vireo Book. | New York, NY ; Los Angeles, CA : Rare Bird Books, 2015. | Includes index.
Identifiers: LCCN: 2015009928 | ISBN: 978-1-942600-54-1
Subjects: LCSH: Veterans––Employment––United States. | Veterans––United States––Services for. | Career changes––United States. | Retired military personnel––Employment––United States. | BISAC: BUSINESS / Economics.
Classification: LCC HF5384 A29 2015 | DDC 650.14/086/97–dc23

Example 2:
Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication data

Names: Buckley, Keith, author.
Title: Scale: a novel / by Keith Buckley.
Description: First trade paperback original edition. | A Barnacle Book. | New York, NY ; Los Angeles, CA : Rare Bird Books, 2015.
Identifiers: LCCN: 2015009927 | ISBN: 978-1-940207-99-5
Subjects: Musicians––Fiction. | Bands (Music)––Fiction. | Rock music––Fiction. | Family––Fiction. | BISAC: FICTION / Literary.
Classification: LCC PS3602.U2624 S33 2015 | DDC 813.6–dc23

Notes & explanations:

“Publisher’s Cataloging-in-Publication” goes at the top of every entry. DO NOT change it to “Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication.”

“Names” mean everyone who is responsible for the book and whose name appears on the title page. If there is more than one person with the same name in the Library of Congress we need to distinguish between individuals by adding middle initials, middle names, or years of birth.

CIP data is created from the TITLE PAGE you provide with your application. No matter what you type in the application, the TITLE PAGE determines what goes in the block.

Titles in CIP blocks are not capitalized except for the first word and any proper nouns. Now that RDA has been implemented we have the choice to capitalize or not, but all examples I’ve seen have not capitalized, so I will follow suit.

“Identifiers” is for any number associated with the book. In the above examples this is an ISBN. Many books have several ISBNs and an LCCN. This is where this will go.

“Subjects” are chosen based on authority records already in the Library of Congress database. They cannot be made up and need to follow a very specific format. “Subjects” also now include BISAC subject headings (a list can be found here.)

“Classification” refers to the alphanumerical code given to the book that determines its place on the shelves. “LCC” is for the Library of Congress Classification system, which is used by university libraries, primarily. “DDC” is for the Dewey Decimal system, which is used by school and public libraries.

Please note that CIP data is considered preliminary cataloging data and individual libraries will do whatever they need to do to add your book to their collection. In Example 2, the book, a work of fiction, has the Dewey classification “813.6.” This classifies the book as a work of fiction, in English, by an American or Canadian author. Most libraries would put this book in their Fiction section, and would change the classification to “F” or “Fic.”

contact me: adriennebashista@gmail.com